Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Thanks Jan, thanks a lot.

Recently I had a brief conversation with a lady I work with, she's Mormon. She boldly proclaimed to me as we closed the store one night, "you know what turned me off about Christianity? One time I was watching the 'Christian' channel on TV, and I saw a lady wearing big diamond rings and pink hair, and she was begging me for money... that's when I became Mormon." After explaining to her that people like Jan Crouch, and most of the people on TBN--the "Christian" channel--are not preaching the true gospel, she still wouldn't believe it. Friends, this is the impression the world is getting about Christians. Though its more prevalent today than ever, Satan doesn't need Playboy or Marilyn Manson anymore, he's got Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, and a truck-load of other false teachers, just pick your poison. Satan isn't working hard to infiltrate the church anymore, he has way more than his foot in the door. Rather, it appears that many times he's the very one speaking from the pulpit. Let's pray that God would continue to raise up His men to boldly yet humbly proclaim the inerrant truth from the Word of God, to "be ready in season and out of season," (2 Tim. 4:2) and that He alone would be exalted through the repentance of sinners. Later in the night another girl asked me, "you're a Christian right?" to which I replied, "only by God's grace." I pray that the Lord would continue to grow our hearts more in tune with His Word for His Worship, always seeking to proclaim His wonderful Name above all things! Soli deo gloria!

"For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 3:11).

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