Thursday, May 12, 2005

Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth

Forgive me if I can't stop raving about this book by recent graduate of UCLA, Ben Shapiro. It's absolutely staggering the quotes, facts, and statistics that are accumulated in this book regarding the obscenely one-sided, liberal, nature that is found so often in the modern realm of academia. In one paragraph Shapiro writes,

Liberal Democrats dominate the university scene... the percentage of Democrats teaching in the university system closely parallels the percentage of communists in the Cuban government... At Williams College, there are only four registered Republican professors on campus out of two hundred professors. At Brown University, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 54-3; at Berkeley, 59-7; at Stanford 151-17; at the University of California at San Diego, 99-6. Stanford's History Department has twenty-two democrats but only two Republicans. Cornell's has twenty-nine Democrats and zero Republicans. Dartmouth's has ten Democrats and no Republicans. At the University of Colorado at Boulder, the English, History, and Philosophy Departments have a combined sixty-eight Democrats, and not a single Republican. At that same university, 184 of the 190 social science and humanities professors identified themselves as Democrats.

It's also amazing how far left some of these professors can go. Regarding the topic of economic theory, Shapiro goes on to write,

Professor Richard Sklar of UCLA described socialism as a "great idea" and communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung as a "great leader." Implementation of socialism has resulted in more deaths than all the international wars of the twentieth century combined. Is socialism really a "great idea?" Mao caused the deaths of millions of his own people. Does that constitute great leadership?... An assigned article for UCLA's Geography 5 course in Winter 2001 stated, "'market-oriented' systems of production and distribution do not have a good track record of feeding people, nor in tackling the underlying structures of poverty which consign over one quarter of the world's population to hunger." That's a surprise. Last time I checked, non-"market-oriented" systems had starved twenty million people in the USSR, thirty million in China, and millions more thoughout the world. Guess I must have missed the part in America's history where its market-oriented system killed millions of citizens.

Regarding social and ethical controversies, Shapiro again writes,

UCLA Professor Kenneth Schultz says, "Republicans have not historically been the party of human rights." Oh. So all that stuff about Lincoln and the slaves was a big lie?

It's truly amazing how far left today's universities, specifically professors, have shifted. In a final statement Shapiro writes, "On a wide variety of issues, the professors hew to the party line, and that means Right can do no right. It's no coincidence, and it's an educational travesty."

Thanks again for reading- y'all have an awesome weekend!

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