Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Art of Compromise

Talking to a dear friend attending grad school in Arizona, it's amazing to me how often I'm blinded by my own affections and tendency towards compromise. How about a proposition? Imagine, speaking hypothetically of course, that there's a girl who seems absolutely 'perfect.' She's gorgeous, hilarious, smart, and has a great personality. Would you ask her out? "Of course" you might respond. Why not right? "Oh, is she a Christian?" you might ask--as if assumed. Why is that assumed? And even if it could be, is "Christian" merely a label or an active pursuit? Let me pose the question this way: if someone gave you $1 million to invest anywhere you choose, would you just find the first company with a flashy logo and a catchy slogan? Or would you research that company, inquire about their short and long-term goals and ambitions to fulfill a specific core purpose? Wouldn't that core purpose, that unnegotiable value, be the most significant and crucial factor in your decision, or would it be merely a subtopic under a strategic heading? Am I talking about Christians dating non-Christians? No. I'm talking about Christians compromising on what we know to be indisputable Biblical values that we tend to compromise on for the sake of superficial affections--emotional whims and fancies. How easy is it for us to so quickly turn on what we know to be obvious and clear truth when the temptation to entertain a fleeting affection strolls by. The reality is God made each and every one of us with a conscience, and that is hopefully guided by the Word of God through the divine aid of the Holy Spirit working towards Holiness. But how commonly do we prostitute what we know to be right for that which is built in the sand? Emotions and affections, especially in regards to relationships, are a gift from a gracious and loving God. Yet they, if not appropriately examined through the lens of inerrant Scripture, can be deceiving to a mind and dangerous to a heart. Men, is the supreme attraction of your heart whatever seems to turns your head? Women, is "Mr. Right" the humble, spiritual leader in your Bible study, or the ear tickling facade that sits beside you in class?

Our tendency to compromise on the truth for the whims and desires of superficiality stretches far beyond dating and relationships, but I believe it to be one of the most deadly causes of misunderstanding and misguided expectations; leading ultimately to ungodly and unbiblical disasters. As my friend Vince said to me, "where there's fruit and evidence of an uncompromising pursuit of holiness for the sake of pure worship, there we find the true nature of a Christ-centered relationship." Thanks Vince for your uncompromising loyalty to the truth, and making sure I stay on it. Sola gracia! Phil. 1:9

45. Resolved, never to allow any pleasure or grief, joy or sorrow, nor any affection at all, nor any degree of affection, nor any circumstance relating to it, but what helps religion. - Jonathan Edwards, Jan. 13, 1723

1 comment:

Paul said...

good post! Nothing is more rewarding than a wife who loves the Lord and encourages you in your walk daily. Trust me, find a women who will do this for you and you will be attracted to her.